Sit down with me and we'll talk about life's little lessons that no one told us, but we wish they would have.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Website/Blog Change
I am moving.(Blogger and I, we aren't doing so well.)
Sorry for any inconvenience, but I will blog from my site.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
I dream of crafts, posted and sold, I dream of being my own boss, I dream of the house being clean after I've done my "job" for the day. It's all sparkly and sappy, but it's my dream, and I want to follow it.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Technology Hates Me
Going to plan a Xmas bazaar of sorts. I want to sell off my partylite stash and sell some crafts. It'll be a nothing over $20 fifty dealy. There will be a raffle, and marykay, and maybe tastefully simple if I can get her.
Good times had by all! We're thinking Sat December 10th.
Friday, October 21, 2011
God, Tutorials, Fabric
I need to spend some time with God. I have a bad attitude today and I'm going to ask him to fix it. I'll do a little reading, do a little praying, and do a little meditation.
Fabric, fabric, fabric! I own lots of fabric with no real purpose for most of it... I must dig through it to give some to Maya, she just had a baby a few weeks ago and I want to brighten her stash. (Not to mention she let me dig through hers and take some choice pieces)
Oh, and I am thinking about posting a tutorial twice a month, once a week, whatever strikes the fancy... What do you think?
What are you itching to learn how to do? How often should I post new tutorials?
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Dark Steel, Etsy, Facebook
My facebook page: KurtzCrafts Etsy Page
My Etsy
And a lil preview of my earrings line, Dark Steel:
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Facebook Ad
Friday, October 14, 2011
iPods, Etsy, and More
I posted some earrings, a print, and a neckwarmer. I'll be posting more items next week.
Also, I have an ad on Facebook! Please let me know if you see it!
I am without work once again, but I am confident that God will provide. I've always wanted a business, so Etsy is definately a great beginning!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Business, Giveaway, and More
I want a hybrid. A physical, brick and mortar store, and an online store. In my physical store, you'd be able to make purchases, demo the products, and use my facilities for your projects. In the online store you'd be able to purchase products, see my calendar of events and such, and read tips and tricks or post your own. I want to be able to host artists and such.
I've been approached by a digital scrapbooking retailer, and they want me to try their software out, and give one away.
Monday, August 8, 2011
I have been spending a lot of my time here at There are great people there!!! I am participating in four challenges this month! August Single Pic, August Ugly Paper, August Use Your Scraps, and August Weekly Sketch Challenges.
I am going to be doing some re-arranging, and I may even drop blogger... I'm working on getting my own website up and running, and well, I need to get my poop in a group first! I don't just scrapbook, I don't just quilt, and I don't just (fill in the blank here), so I need a whole site, and then I can organize what my interests are. I don't want you to be bored by my posts for interests that you and I don't share!
Continuing Wisdom: Spellcheck your resume before you send it off! Also, change your objective for every job you apply for!!!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
cowgirls, business and more
Stacy and I live in Michigan, and we have to get her to Oklahoma for the Competition. She has her own transportation, and her own horse trailer, just not the funds to travel down, and stay in a hotel. If you or anyone you know would like to sponsor Stacy, she is doing lots of advertising.
For more information, e-mail Stacy at, get on her facebook , or for general info go to (if you visit her facebook, you can see her and Misty in action!)
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Vacation Over
Must make dinner, I believe the hub requested Steak
Then, I need to fix my home PC. I've either been posting from my work computer on lunch, or my laptop. I really, really, really miss my PC, and I now have the disc to fix the poor confused hard drive.
List of other things to accomplish:
- Clean my craft area, then organize
- Organize and get rid of clothes that I'll never fit into again
- make jewelry
- order bird toy pieces (to make bird toys, yay! Neo has a thing for these cheap )
- Start reading the book of Hebrews and work on my bible study lesson from The Shelter of God's Promises, by Sheila Walsh. We're working on The Promise of Hope this week, which is a big one for me. I should also go to Fowlerville UB's website and listen to the last two sermons I missed!
- Love on my Husband
- Sleep!!!
- Scrapbook
- Order more prints (I get a million e-mails on what mail order service is offering free/low price prints)
- go to the fowlerville fair and take night pictures of the rides =)
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
I will be taking many, many pictures with the new camera (guess it's not really THAT new anymore?) and spending a little time with my mom's metal detector. She hasn't used it in some time, and I figured if we get it fired up, she may take it with her when she's away in August.
I'll have to post some of my latest scrapbooking before we run away.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Stress Be Gone!
Of course, then I think about it and realize, I haven't had more than five minutes to try and do anything about the stress.
My husband is being highly unsympathetic, because he thinks I don't work as hard as him, and I don't work as many hours as he does. He doesn't understand what I have to be stressed out about.
I don't have any one thing that is stressing me out, but it is a big pile of little things that have made an immovable object in my mind.
I think maybe the stress has hit a fever pitch because I've been doing so many after work and Saturday activities, and because we have a week long vacation coming up. Also, we didn't take a Monday and go to Cedar Point like we usually do. I haven't had the refresh button clicked in a while, so I think it's just wearing on me.
I've also been thinking a lot about scrapbooking, of course, because I have no time to do so. (Unless I cut out a few hours of sleep and scrap in the middle of the night... LOL)
This weekend there will be a lot going on, a murder mystery dinner, the Howell Balloonfest, and tonight is the last night of Vacation Bible School.
I've been a crew leader all week at VBS, and was blessed to have between 5 and 8 girls every night so far. They are between the ages of 4 and 8, and they are all pretty bright. The only problem is I'm not used to so many little faces eagerly awaiting my instruction. It's kind of scary and humbling, especially when they seem to have a better relationship with God than myself. I feel almost like they should be leading, and I should be following, but God knew this is exactly what I needed, and why he urged me to sign up to help with VBS. I checked the "help as needed" box and guess what? Crew Leader it was!
I will definately have to take some time and scrap/reflect over this week and all I've learned with and from the girls. I hope that tonight I'm blessed with even more girls, and that they are eager to continue their journey with Christ. (I just pray for strength and patience with so many little girls around!)
I also want to take the opportunity to thank whomever is reading this, you are loved by whatever higher power you believe in. (I believe we all believe in the same God, we just call him different names)
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Thankful and Reflective
I have been saying a prayer of thanks almost every time I go outside, that's how grateful I am.
I think I ate my way through the last two or three months to keep myself going, and it is not pretty. Almost nothing I own fits, and if it does, it looks like crap.
I'm telling you this in hopes that if you're going through something similar, you won't feel alone.
I was very lonely in my pity party, and I pushed my husband away a little. It was very wrong of me, but I couldn't help myself. Now that the weather is looking up, I've exercised a little, and I'm eating less. I've pulled my husband closer and hope that I can keep it up.
Don't ever let dark and cold get the best of you, it will turn you into a person you don't like very much. Not only did I gain a lot of weight, I broke out with zits from eating too many unhealthy foods. I've been feeling very ugly and unproductive.
On a different note, my quilt top is almost done from the shop hop in Feb, I've been posting pics on my facebook and flickr. I may be starting a civil war reproduction, depending on my finances in July. It's another hop, with four stores this time instead of 6.
I'm also trying to use up some of my jewelry supplies, and selling off unused scrapbook supplies on Yardsellr.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
May: Scrapbooking Month!
For more information, visit Melissa Burch.
Jobby Job Job Tips
Write a resume, even if you think you don't need one.
Dress decently, even if you are just asking around for applications.
Don't apply for jobs you don't want.
When a prospective employer asks you what type of work you're looking for, don't tell them anything. They know for a fact you are lying. There is SOMETHING you are not willing to do.
Be Polite! You never know who you future supervisor is.**
**Story on this: My friend's desk used to be outside her boss's office. Everyone assumed she was the secretary, and usually ignored her, or treated her very rudely. As soon as they either left, or were let into the inner office, she would e-mail/call her boss and let her know what this person is like.
Always be on your best behavior inside, and outside a prospective employer's office.*
*Story on this: We had someone that was not only late for orientation, he also didn't bring his paperwork. He had been referred by someone we trusted, so we were going to give him a second chance UNTIL. UNTIL... He went out in the hallway and started swearing loudly. NO JOKE! Swearing loudly in the hallway between our office and the doctor's office next door. We were so shocked we called our contact that referred him and they appologized profusely and told us they'd let him know he wasn't being considered.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Big Fat Bowl of Stupid-O's
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
You Can't Always Get Whatcha Want...
This is where my problem is.
(I started as a part time student I almost typed stupint by accident, is that stupid and student mixed together?)
I started part time my first few quarters, and then I have been re-arranging the given schedule so I attend one day a week instead of three days a week, one class a day. Then they stopped offering afternoon classes. So then I did two in a day and one online, or two online and one on campus. Now we're getting to the nitty gritty and I'm wondering how many other students are in this same shuffle, and more because the program doesn't know what's going on rather than actual schedule conflicts. Not all classes for a certain degree are taught each quarter. Which is fine, but I want to know how they know which are going to be taught, and which aren't? Is that also left up to said program? If it is, that is horse shit. Am I the only one seeing the flaw in this, or the only one who doesn't know how easy it is to just leave things the way they are?
End Rant.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Sewing Old Frontiers?
Quilting has been turned into a stereotypical thing of an old lady.
Decades ago, quilting was for women of all ages. My cousin and I are quilting, and when we enter the quilt shops, we get a mixture of welcome and disdain. Some of the women look down on us, and others let us know how happy they are to see "young people" quilting. When did such a pastime get turned into a hobby reserved for older people?
Anyway, on my quilting journey, I've learned that I can't do other things while I'm quilting. For example, I was half watching tv, half participating in a conversation, and I realized as soon as I was finished attaching a square, that it was upside down. I laughed my butt off for a few minutes, then decided to take it apart and move along. The hijinx weren't over yet though..
I was starting to seam rip the upside down piece, and I realized I was seam ripping the right side up piece. DOH! So I quickly sewed that side back up and went to work on the other side.
I suck. =)
I just thought I'd share my folly in hopes that you'd get a quick laugh, and maybe feel that you have a commiserate in your own follies.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Monthly Make: March
Love it? Click here to wander over to my yardsellr and buy it!
This is my monthly make piece for March! I may have more for March since it's so young.
To learn more about the monthly make, go visit the felt fairy!
Oh Hai!
Tomorrow is my birthday. 25 for me. I wanted to have a big bash, but instead, the adult world said, no, Melissa, you get dinner with your husband and cousins. You're not twelve anymore.
Apple Vodka makes an amazing screwdriver. Just sayin'.
Communication is key. Especially in this plugged in world we live in. Sometimes we forget that we have to interact with real human beings, and as a courtesy, you be nice to those human beings you interact with.
I have a new camera, courtesy of our tax return. Nikon D3100. I'll be taking a million pics soon as I figure out what I want to photograph. No kids, one pet, and a reluctant husband don't make for very good photographs. I am going to try and take a picture a day, just to be in the habit of it, even if it is something simple and random like how much snow we have, or when the south-flying birds return for spring.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Folly Thy Purpose is Advice
Monday, February 7, 2011
Youtube Rocks!
Want to learn how to do something? Look it up on Youtube.
Want to teach something? Post a video of it on Youtube. (great way to sell a product!!!!)
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Blog Hopping Rocks
Here is my Today I love the...
Smell of: beer and food
Sound of: UFC Announcers and my African Gray's side commentary
Taste of: Jet's Pizza
Sight of: friends gathered around the TV
Feel of: my new mouse I found at Big Lots for $13
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Days Off Usually Become Idle
I'm participating in the Monthly Make 2011 (there is a picture on the side bar to learn more information) and here is my update on said participation.
Well, the skirt purse is coming along, yesterday I cut the hole for the keys pocket and I've been sewing some of it's seams... I just don't have any patience lately...
I have this one, a deep orange one, and a purple one with a little different pattern. $3.00 each at Kohl's on the clearance racks. I'm thinking $10-15 for the purse, just to factor in the work I put into it. Sure, it is super easy, but I'm adding snaps, a inside pocket, etc...
I did get some scrapbooking done (a whole two whopping pages, that's what I get for deciding to scrap late at night)

Monday, January 24, 2011
Too Much Clutter in Your Life
I am a scavenger of good deals.
In the end, I'm what Grandma knew all along, a Magpie.
I like shiny things, I like really good deals, I like whimsical things but I also like rock and roll edgy looking things.
I don't want to go back to my hoarding tendencies, but I can't just throw things away. It's such a waste to me to just throw things away. I'm going to try and sell some of it, and then the rest will just have to go to the Salvation Army as a tax write off. *sigh*
I'm having problems parting with my stuff, but I've decided I can't get any more stuff with what I already have cluttering my life. (Also my husband likes to make little jibs now and again about my clutter)
Well, I have an eBay, and an Etsy, and a Yardsellr account, so a-selling I shall go!
Friday, January 14, 2011
The Meaning of Life
Sure, this is open for interpretation, but I can't be far off, right? =)
Love everyone like you'll die tomorrow, and remember that you aren't the only one who has bad days!!!!
Just roll with it people!
Okay, there is my infinite wisodom.
End of Line.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Free Scrapbook Classes 1/12/2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Business Dreams/Ranting
I was thinking radical thoughts once, and was like, well, let's try a 24 hour thing! But then I also thought, how the hell would one person orchestrate this? Can I really justify being on call 24-7 for people to craft?
A more refined, adult version of my dreaming has taken root, and I am trying to decide if I can afford to rent space somewhere, and if people would be willing to teach classes. The teacher and I would split class fees, and that could help pay the rent.
Friday, January 7, 2011
You're Not Desperate Yet
How are you supposed to find a job if it looks like you're not willing to work? If I offer you the crappy job and you take it, when a better one comes along after that assignment ends, I will be more willing to send you on the good one because I know you are a hard worker.
If you turn your nose up at work (even if it is crappy work) I assume you don't want to work, you just want to sit at home with that unemployment, or worse, just sit and feel sorry for yourself without unemployment benefits.
Just a little food for thought.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Digital takeover
My digital takeover is beginning, I may even find a way to blog from my iPod. As I find little goodies and such, I will post them along the way.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Random Wisdom
Monday, January 3, 2011
Happy 2011!
I always thought New Year's resolutions were silly and disheartening. Of course, I'm not much of a goal person. As I grow, I'm finding that maybe I should become a goal person.
One of the biggest problems with resolutions, is that we pick them for the wrong reason, or that we pick a very unreasonable goal. Think about the span of a year, and what you know you have accomplished in a year.
If you're thinking about weight, do you really think it is feasible to loose 100 lbs in a year? Sure, it's been done, but think about unhealthy choices, fast food binges, and a different type of lifestyle. Are you willing to make some serious sacrifices? Does your doctor even think it would be a good idea for you to lose that much weight?
Money- Money is definately a touchy subject that needs to be taken in baby steps. I've "graduated" from Financial Peace University (By Dave Ramsey) but I didn't put it into action, and I'm in an even worse spot than I was before I took the FPU course. Thinking you're going to save 75% of your paycheck every pay period just isn't reasonable.
Being a better person- now that one, is a life long journey. Thinking you can totally change yourself into a better person in just 365 days is highly unlikely. Getting rid of a habit, now that can be done in 365 days or less, and that is the first step, I think, in becoming a better person as a whole.
As for myself, I think I am going to give myself a fairly reasonable New Year's Resolution: Save $20 from every pay check. It's fairly simple, straightforward, and most important of all, doable.
Happy New Year everyone, and here's to many more!