Sorry everyone, I disappeared during the holidays. They were crazy!!! So anyway, I'm at (a place for authors) and they encouraged a post about new year's resolutions. Here it is...
I always thought New Year's resolutions were silly and disheartening. Of course, I'm not much of a goal person. As I grow, I'm finding that maybe I should become a goal person.
One of the biggest problems with resolutions, is that we pick them for the wrong reason, or that we pick a very unreasonable goal. Think about the span of a year, and what you know you have accomplished in a year.
If you're thinking about weight, do you really think it is feasible to loose 100 lbs in a year? Sure, it's been done, but think about unhealthy choices, fast food binges, and a different type of lifestyle. Are you willing to make some serious sacrifices? Does your doctor even think it would be a good idea for you to lose that much weight?
Money- Money is definately a touchy subject that needs to be taken in baby steps. I've "graduated" from Financial Peace University (By Dave Ramsey) but I didn't put it into action, and I'm in an even worse spot than I was before I took the FPU course. Thinking you're going to save 75% of your paycheck every pay period just isn't reasonable.
Being a better person- now that one, is a life long journey. Thinking you can totally change yourself into a better person in just 365 days is highly unlikely. Getting rid of a habit, now that can be done in 365 days or less, and that is the first step, I think, in becoming a better person as a whole.
As for myself, I think I am going to give myself a fairly reasonable New Year's Resolution: Save $20 from every pay check. It's fairly simple, straightforward, and most important of all, doable.
Happy New Year everyone, and here's to many more!