I have been super stressed out lately, and nothing seems to help...
Of course, then I think about it and realize, I haven't had more than five minutes to try and do anything about the stress.
My husband is being highly unsympathetic, because he thinks I don't work as hard as him, and I don't work as many hours as he does. He doesn't understand what I have to be stressed out about.
I don't have any one thing that is stressing me out, but it is a big pile of little things that have made an immovable object in my mind.
I think maybe the stress has hit a fever pitch because I've been doing so many after work and Saturday activities, and because we have a week long vacation coming up. Also, we didn't take a Monday and go to Cedar Point like we usually do. I haven't had the refresh button clicked in a while, so I think it's just wearing on me.
I've also been thinking a lot about scrapbooking, of course, because I have no time to do so. (Unless I cut out a few hours of sleep and scrap in the middle of the night... LOL)
This weekend there will be a lot going on, a murder mystery dinner, the Howell Balloonfest, and tonight is the last night of Vacation Bible School.
I've been a crew leader all week at VBS, and was blessed to have between 5 and 8 girls every night so far. They are between the ages of 4 and 8, and they are all pretty bright. The only problem is I'm not used to so many little faces eagerly awaiting my instruction. It's kind of scary and humbling, especially when they seem to have a better relationship with God than myself. I feel almost like they should be leading, and I should be following, but God knew this is exactly what I needed, and why he urged me to sign up to help with VBS. I checked the "help as needed" box and guess what? Crew Leader it was!
I will definately have to take some time and scrap/reflect over this week and all I've learned with and from the girls. I hope that tonight I'm blessed with even more girls, and that they are eager to continue their journey with Christ. (I just pray for strength and patience with so many little girls around!)
I also want to take the opportunity to thank whomever is reading this, you are loved by whatever higher power you believe in. (I believe we all believe in the same God, we just call him different names)