
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

You Can't Always Get Whatcha Want...

I am sitting here in the computer lab at ITT Tech, waiting for my next class to start. I've been thinking about the silly program they use to enroll us students into classes. I call it silly, because it is only as smart as the person who programmed it. I am a bit concerned about the fact that we are all put into classes that most of us either need to switch out of, or find a different time that it is offered. I'm assuming (yeah, I know, ass=u&me) that the teachers give their availability, then the roadmap decides where we all are in our degree and what courses are the next for us to take. Then it plops so many of us into said class until it is full, or if there aren't enough, then drops the class from the schedule.

This is where my problem is.
(I started as a part time student I almost typed stupint by accident, is that stupid and student mixed together?)

I started part time my first few quarters, and then I have been re-arranging the given schedule so I attend one day a week instead of three days a week, one class a day. Then they stopped offering afternoon classes. So then I did two in a day and one online, or two online and one on campus. Now we're getting to the nitty gritty and I'm wondering how many other students are in this same shuffle, and more because the program doesn't know what's going on rather than actual schedule conflicts. Not all classes for a certain degree are taught each quarter. Which is fine, but I want to know how they know which are going to be taught, and which aren't? Is that also left up to said program? If it is, that is horse shit. Am I the only one seeing the flaw in this, or the only one who doesn't know how easy it is to just leave things the way they are?

End Rant.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sewing Old Frontiers?

So about a month or two ago, I decided I was going to start quilting.

Quilting has been turned into a stereotypical thing of an old lady.

Decades ago, quilting was for women of all ages. My cousin and I are quilting, and when we enter the quilt shops, we get a mixture of welcome and disdain. Some of the women look down on us, and others let us know how happy they are to see "young people" quilting. When did such a pastime get turned into a hobby reserved for older people?

Anyway, on my quilting journey, I've learned that I can't do other things while I'm quilting. For example, I was half watching tv, half participating in a conversation, and I realized as soon as I was finished attaching a square, that it was upside down. I laughed my butt off for a few minutes, then decided to take it apart and move along. The hijinx weren't over yet though..
I was starting to seam rip the upside down piece, and I realized I was seam ripping the right side up piece. DOH! So I quickly sewed that side back up and went to work on the other side.
I suck. =)

I just thought I'd share my folly in hopes that you'd get a quick laugh, and maybe feel that you have a commiserate in your own follies.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Monthly Make: March

Love it? Click here to wander over to my yardsellr and buy it!

This is my monthly make piece for March! I may have more for March since it's so young.

To learn more about the monthly make, go visit the felt fairy!

Oh Hai!

Oh hai blogger world, I almost forgot about this place... Maybe that's why I am so stressed... Didn't take time to sit down at the kitchen table and let it all out.

Tomorrow is my birthday. 25 for me. I wanted to have a big bash, but instead, the adult world said, no, Melissa, you get dinner with your husband and cousins. You're not twelve anymore.

Apple Vodka makes an amazing screwdriver. Just sayin'.

Communication is key. Especially in this plugged in world we live in. Sometimes we forget that we have to interact with real human beings, and as a courtesy, you be nice to those human beings you interact with.

I have a new camera, courtesy of our tax return. Nikon D3100. I'll be taking a million pics soon as I figure out what I want to photograph. No kids, one pet, and a reluctant husband don't make for very good photographs. I am going to try and take a picture a day, just to be in the habit of it, even if it is something simple and random like how much snow we have, or when the south-flying birds return for spring.